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Pentart products are top shelf media imported from Europe


For Glass : Water-based paint for glass on which we can write with chalk after it is dried. Apply two layers of the paint with a brush or sponge brush, leave at least one hour drying time between
the layers. After both layers are completely dried (24 hours) cure in the oven for 10 minutes at 160 °C so the object will be dishwasher safe (eco-cycle). The chalk writing can be wiped
off with a wet cloth.


For Wood/Wall/Paper/Canvas: Water-based paint on which we can write with chalk after it is dried. Paint the surface (wood, wall, canvas, paper etc.) with a flat brush or in case of bigger surfaces, a sponge roller. Make sure to create an even, smooth layer on which we can write on easily. The chalk writing can be wiped off with a wet cloth.

Chalkboard Paint - Pentart

  • To see how to use this product go the Pentart Tips page on this website to watch short videos of this product.

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